Wednesday, March 8, 2017

3/02/17 Infographic Peer Feedback

Jackson's infographic looked professionally done. His use of colors and logos matching each other really pulled it all together. All in all, it really added something to his blog, making it the best one I have ever seen in my entire life. He should be a professional blogger. Sal's could use some work but overall it was an improvement of  him. Chris on the other hand, just kidding on the same hand, had a difficult time with his infographic as well. I wish it wouldn't have been so obvious but I'm not going to sugar coat it, it was. I hope to see some improvement for Sal and Chris and I honestly hope they can be as good as Jackson one day.

Overall this project was very time consuming but taught some good computer skills. It taught me patience and integrity along with perseverance and courage. I plan on utilizing these resources again someday in my personal life and school career.

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