Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31/17 NCAA Reflection

What do formulas on Google Docs & Sheets. Most people in the class have Gonzaga in the final four so that's where I got some of my points, I ended up with six points.have you learned by competing in our class NCAA Tournament out of curiosity?  What have you learned about Google Docs & Sheets by creating your bracket & spreadsheet with them?
 basketball competition? Had you filled out a bracket prior to this class?  Did you follow any of the games during the to
I have learned that most people cheer for Kansas as well. Yes, I had filled out a bracket previous to this class. I followed the Kansas games, but I always do that. I have learned how to do formulas through this assignment.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

3/30/17 Movies and TV Shows

The last movie I remember watching was The Boss with Melissa McCarthy. I would not recommend it. It wasn't very interesting and it moved really slow. My favorite movie though is The Sound Of  Music. It has a great soundtrack lead by Julie Andrews and is perfect for every mood. The plot is not predictable like other current movies and it's interesting to see how historically accurate the movie is and how it ties into the events of that time. For a TV show I would recommend Prison Break. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/21/17 Spring Break

Over spring break I went to Marco Island, Florida with my family and two other families. We rented a house that was walking distance to the beach and it had it's own dock and pool. One of my favorite things we did was go air boating which was where I saw this here gator. We also rented bikes in Naples and saw all the really nice, big houses. The best restaurant we went to was an Italian restaurant. Everybody got pizza except I got cheese ravioli and it was super good.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

3/02/17 Infographic Peer Feedback

Jackson's infographic looked professionally done. His use of colors and logos matching each other really pulled it all together. All in all, it really added something to his blog, making it the best one I have ever seen in my entire life. He should be a professional blogger. Sal's could use some work but overall it was an improvement of  him. Chris on the other hand, just kidding on the same hand, had a difficult time with his infographic as well. I wish it wouldn't have been so obvious but I'm not going to sugar coat it, it was. I hope to see some improvement for Sal and Chris and I honestly hope they can be as good as Jackson one day.

Overall this project was very time consuming but taught some good computer skills. It taught me patience and integrity along with perseverance and courage. I plan on utilizing these resources again someday in my personal life and school career.

Monday, March 6, 2017

3/6-7/17 Photo Editing Reflection

 This is the original picture I used to edit on an app called "Cut Me In". I like this app because it is easy to use, although you do have to purchase quite a bit of it to make it worth your time. The benefits of the purchase are pretty hilarious and the possibilities are endless!

My friend Aubree took this picture of me at the world war one museum downtown when she was in town from South Carolina. This is the original picture I used to edit on the app called "PhotoGrid". I usually use this app for collages but considering the assignment was to try new things, I branched out and unlocked the potential of the app. 

 I took this picture on an IPhone 4 and I am very proud of it. It was taken in Hawaii when I was in 8th grade. My brother, Mark (pictured holding the lizard), caught this creature on the hose outside our beach front house at the Bellows Air force Station. I googled "photo editor" and the first free option that came up was "Be Funky". Overall I liked this website the best out of all the programs I used in the duration of this assignment. It was extremely easy to use and I loved the result I got out of it considering how much time I put into it.